Can a Personal Trainer Help You Lose Weight?
If January is national weight loss month, February should be called “national hire a personal trainer month“. As a trainer myself, it’s always interesting to me that January is my slowest month of the year, yet February is the beginning of the busiest stretch for welcoming new clients to my business. This might be surprising […]
The Real Keys to Weight Loss Success!
Once again, weight related goals are forefront in the minds of the nearly 50% of North Americans who made New Years’ resolutions this year. Now, as our National Weight Loss Month draws to a close, it’s typically time for the 38% of those “resolutioners” who decided that 2014 would be their year to finally lose weight to […]
Women and Weight Loss – 7 Factors That Influence Your Metabolism
Do you exercise, eat properly and yet still struggle to lose your stubborn body fat? If so, you’re not alone and here’s why. Perhaps the most important variable governing your weight loss success is your metabolic rate (metabolism). This is the rate at which your body uses food energy to support normal function throughout the body. Metabolism […]