Can a Personal Trainer Help You Lose Weight?

If January is national weight loss month, February should be called “national hire a personal trainer month“. As a trainer myself, it’s always interesting to me that January is my slowest month of the year, yet February is the beginning of the busiest stretch for welcoming new clients to my business. This might be surprising […]
The Real Keys to Weight Loss Success!

Once again, weight related goals are forefront in the minds of the nearly 50% of North Americans who made New Years’ resolutions this year. Now, as our National Weight Loss Month draws to a close, it’s typically time for the 38% of those “resolutioners” who decided that 2014 would be their year to finally lose weight to […]
Your Realistic Resolution Solution
This is not the usual New’s Resolution drivel that inundates you each Christmas. Every year you’re treated to a barrage of articles reminding you of your holiday overindulgence and recycled tips to get you to lose weight. These tips focus on short term, quick fixes and only encourage the destructive dieting mindset. Does anyone really […]
Diet Deliverance – Solutions For The Chronic Dieter

I HATE the word diet! At least in the context that most people use it. Diets and dieting are synonymous with restriction, deprivation and suffering. If diets conjure up such a negative state and perception, is it any wonder that they don’t work – at least not for very long. If they did work, wouldn’t everyone […]
Women and Weight Loss – 7 Factors That Influence Your Metabolism
Do you exercise, eat properly and yet still struggle to lose your stubborn body fat? If so, you’re not alone and here’s why. Perhaps the most important variable governing your weight loss success is your metabolic rate (metabolism). This is the rate at which your body uses food energy to support normal function throughout the body. Metabolism […]
More Weight Loss FAQs
Here we go with another roundup of Weight Loss FAQ’s. If you missed the first post, be sure to check it out here. This time I bring you 5 questions that have a lot of people frustrated and confused. With so much conflicting information to sift through, it is my hope that these well researched […]
Weight Loss FAQs
I have written extensively on the subject of weight loss, but I thought it might be useful to create a page that addresses the most common questions I get about losing weight. Here are answers to 7 common questions surrounding weight loss “best practices”. These answers are based on current research, backed by my own personal […]
Is it Really Necessary to Exercise to Lose Weight?
Many people believe that joining a gym and adopting an exercise program is the solution to their weight loss problems. If this were true we’d see far more success stories leaving the gym each day, but of course this simply isn’t the case. To get past this, you have to accept that becoming overweight or obese is a […]
Why People Believe Weight Loss and Diet Myths
Why do seemingly intelligent and rational people consistently get duped into believing that weight loss miracles exist? The answer is complex by I hope to shed some light on the subject by examining the typical behaviors that influence our belief systems and ultimately make us susceptible to diet myths and modern weight loss folklore. “Smart people believe […]
Examining the Growing Problem of Obesity
It’s no secret that the rate of obesity in North America is continuing to rise and will likely continue to do so for the foreseeable future. It’s now been shown that in Canada, 1 in every 4 adults and 1 in every 9 children aged 6-17 are now obese. Even the obese are getting fatter, as more Canadians are becoming morbidly obese […]